Hello everyone,
Over the past several months, I’ve seen God moving and opening doors for ministry and I wanted to share this and invite you to be a part of what God is doing.
For several years I’ve had a passion to equip children with God’s answers to their hard questions. When questions like “How can there be a loving God when bad things happen” and “How do we know the Bible’s true?” are left unanswered, it can result in children leaving the church in unbelief when they’re older. I’ve experienced this personally as many of my childhood friends from Christian, homeschool families have tragically chosen to follow the philosophies of the world, some of them becoming transgender or homosexual. The enemy wants our children! Even while writing this letter, I was informed of a new after-school Satanist club started in a Middle school in Philadelphia.
​It is imperative that we fight back and do all that we can to bring the truth of the Bible to these children. If they know the Truth (Jesus) and are equipped with answers, the enemy’s lies will fail! The next generation must be reached; this is the time to stand. This is my mission.
Since coming back to Idaho last summer, I’ve been organizing apologetic camps and after-school Bible clubs to help children encounter Jesus, get into His Word, and answer their questions. There has been a lot of fruit coming from these outreaches, and God continues opening up more opportunities to minister to children in several other avenues, including through YouTube. If you’d like to read more about what God has been doing, please refer to the second page of this letter. Currently I am developing curriculum and organizing ministry outreaches, and God has raised up 30+ young adults who are waiting to get involved.
However, I am finding that I can’t continue this ministry without financial support. I’m at a crossroads: either I take a full-time job and stop most of the ministry outreaches, or I move forward in the opportunities God is opening up and continue in full-time ministry. As I’ve prayed about this dilemma and sought the counsel of many within my church, God has begun directing me to trust Him by raising support as a local missionary to continue the ministry.
This is where you come in. If you are willing to prayerfully consider if God is calling you to help, I am looking to raise monthly support so that these children’s ministries can continue and increase. If you would like to support me monthly, you can click the donate button.
I look forward to seeing how God is going to continue working in North Idaho and am very grateful for your consideration, support, and especially your prayers as we battle for the hearts of the children in our nation. If you would like to be updated as part of our prayer team, please contact us so we can add you to the list.
For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach His statutes and rules in Israel.
Ezra 7:10
What God is doing
God is opening doors for us to do after-school Bible clubs called Good News Clubs through Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) in the public and private elementary schools. In March 2023, we began doing these clubs weekly in a Christian school, and within 3 weeks, the number of children attending grew from 3 to 35 kids! We teach Bible lessons, songs, games, etc, but the best part is when we sit down in small groups of 3-5 kids to talk with them about the Lord, the Gospel, their home lives, and especially their questions about God.
One of our team members, Bekah, recently had a conversation with a third-grader named Rose* who mentioned that she was thinking about becoming a boy. Bekah got to share with Rose the truth from God’s Word on how God created her uniquely and with purpose, and by the end of the conversation, Rose concluded she didn’t want to change her gender anymore! Praise God! God has raised up an incredible team of literally 30+ people who are passionate to help start more clubs in the public schools this fall!
*Her name has been changed for privacy
KidONE Apologetic Camps
KidONE is actually a ministry that I founded right here in Idaho. Our mission is to answer the questions kids have about God and the Bible. This year we are doing a camp called Exploring the Book where we are training the kids with the truth to answer hard questions about the Bible including, “How do we know the Bible is reliable?”, “Why is the Bible important?”, and “How do I study the Bible?” Below is a clip from one lesson.
We recently did a camp at a homeschool conference where we taught these truths, and got to witness two children make a decision to believe in Jesus as their Savior! We have invitations to do more of these camps in other churches to train many more children how to defend their faith.
KidONE YouTube Channel
I began this YouTube channel in 2020 to give training and tips on how to work with kids for Sunday school teachers, VBS leaders, parents, and anyone else. I have been trained in children’s ministry and have a lot of experience working with kids. Unfortunately, children’s ministry often gets overlooked when it comes to teachers being trained and equipped to teach effectively. YouTube is an incredible tool to reach thousands of people with very practical training so that kids’ lives can be impacted through effective teaching. The views on this channel have continued to grow consistently to an average of 4k views per month. You can find this channel by searching for “KidONE Channel” on YouTube.
The Bobby Channel
Bobby is a puppet and in this channel, he teaches children practical habits and actions to grow as a child of God. I’ve had great success with Christian puppet videos on YouTube. This channel has also grown a lot in a very short time. And these videos have possibilities for great impact! Here’s a bit of math: Let’s say we had 3,000 views on a video, and only 5% of those who watched were impacted. That’s 150 kids impacted by one video! But we’re not talking about 3,000 views, some of them have up to 64,000 views with potential for even more growth. You can watch these videos by looking up “The Bobby Channel” on YouTube.
ReVerse is an apologetic video curriculum in the making. What if we took those questions that children struggle with and taught the apologetic answers, but through engaging video lessons using techniques and methods that make learning easy? Imagine the impact of millions of Christian kids who have been thoroughly taught to defend their faith!!
It is my goal to launch ReVerse as an interactive apologetic video curriculum specifically geared for 8-12 year olds.