
Our mission
The world is full of questions. Where did people come from? Why is there suffering in the world? What is my purpose in life? How am I supposed to live? Is there really a God? Today, we are seeing young people leave the Church, all because as children they were not given answers.
It is our mission at KidONE Camps to answer those questions. We are a Christian organization and we base everything we do on God's word. It is our vision for all children to have a solid foundation on God’s word and answers to the questions of life. This is not a job to us, it’s our purpose. This is our calling.

What WE Do
The way we carry out our mission is through teaching children through day-camps. As well as, equipping teachers and parents to impact the children they teach.
Each camp is one week long for three hours each day. These one-day camps are packed full with fun and learning. The target age range for each camp is between 5-12 years old. Each camp is packed full of fun, excitement, learning, and God. The value of each camp is through the roof.
Who we Are
Our team at KidOne Camps has a passion and purpose to work with kids. The whole reason our team is here is to help parents prepare the next generation and make a difference in the lives of the people of Coeur d'Alene. We are here to tell children about Jesus, what He did for them, and how they can grow and defend their faith. We have a variety of experience with kids, everything from VBS to character class.
The safety of your child is very important to us. A background check is run on each member of our team as well as requiring three references. We have a strict child protection policy that must be followed by all staff.